Today’s increase in air pollution, acid rain and frequent climatic changes are causing rapid deterioration of architectural metals, masonry and other building materials. Commercial and public buildings everywhere show the effects of this aggressive attack. Billions of dollars in property damage is being caused by this environmental problem. Proper maintenance is vital to keeping every building looking its best.
Whether your building is old or new, large or small, Rotol-AMS field engineers will provide a comprehensive study with a proven recommendation on the very best way to restore, protect, preserve, and maintain your building in any environment.
Our service crews and craftsmen are thoroughly trained and experienced in the leading edge technology and state of the art processes pioneered and developed by Rotol-AMS. We are qualified to complete the most difficult restoration or sophisticated maintenance task efficiently and effectively on any building.
ROTOL-AMS proprietary Neutral & Environmentally Friendly Chemicals (Non-acidic & Non-alkaline) and Fine, Delicate Super Polish Pads are used to prevent any damage, debonding, marring or tarnishing to existing façade or substrate.